My favorite VPN, for free if you own raspberry PI node like me. Brilliant idea especially for low fee geeks who search for tool to unblock Netflix and Amazon prime... I hope encryption protocols will be extended to support China area.
Many things that were criticized in the test have been fixed in the meantime. It would therefore be nice if the mystery VPN review got an update. For example, the support is now excellent. I have set up a node on a Raspberry Pi and am at best an interested layman. The support (in my case via Telegram) made it happen quickly. It's a lot of fun to be part of this fast-growing network! By now, there are mostly over 7,000 nodes online, and the handling of the earning and payment processes via the myst-token are super easy to handle. But the best part is that, for those who want it, the crypto-based payment features make the entire myst ecosystem financially bypass the central banking system. This is true decentralization and a plus in security that, while not directly related to VPN technology, can still be of great value to the user. It isn't easy to compare Mysterium with conventional VPN offerings because it is only partially VPN. It is an encryption P2P community whose objective goes far beyond VPN. Therein lies the appeal of Mysterium!
В целом удобный интерфейс, постоянно добавляют функционал, открытый код и видно все изменения. По сути многие узлы, это обычные люди что развернули у себя серверную часть. Что позволяет обойти многие ограничения.